HIMB postdoc Kelle Freel and HIMB researcher Mike Rappé sampling seawater in Kaneohe Bay in order to make growth media and isolate marine bacteria. Credit: A. Murat Eren.
SOEST News, first published on September 22, 2022.
Within the community of microscopic plankton are the ocean’s smallest predators; small but significant in the critical ecosystem. The diversity and ecosystem function of those predators are the focus of a new project led by researchers at the University of Hawai’i Mānoa. Kyle Edwards and Grieg Steward of the Department of Oceanography and Mike Rappé of the Hawai’i Institute of Marine Biology were awarded $2 million from the National Science Foundation program “Biodiversity on a Changing Planet.” The program funds research on grand challenges in biodiversity science within the context of environmental change.
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