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Benefits of Involvement in Research and of Internships
Why do an internship? Many potential benefits have been reported from undergraduate research experiences and from internships. Some of these are below, together with research papers that report these benefits if you’d like more information:
Better knowledge of how to navigate educational system4
Preparation for further academic work10
Possibility of academic credit
Improved academic outcomes1,5
Help with decision whether to pursue graduate work4
Preparation for applying to grad school10
Improved knowledge, skills, and understanding of science10 (e.g. making connections between areas, deepening knowledge, better understanding of the scientific process)
Improved creative thinking6
Increased confidence in general10
Increased confidence as a scientist10
Improved skills in critical thinking and problem-solving10
Research skills7
Ownership of research project9
Possibility of authorship on a research paper
Experience of what being a research scientist is like9
Real-world experience, career preparation, job-related skills3,8,10
Workplace skills (e.g. communication, teamwork, time management, organization)
Refinement of career path10
Resume building2,3
Basis for letters of recommendation
Development of professional working relationships, access to professional and academic networks4,10
[1] Binder, J. F., Baguley, T., Crook, C., & Miller, F. (2015). The academic value of internships: Benefits across disciplines and student backgrounds. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 73-82.
[2] Coco, M. (2000). Internships: A try before you buy arrangement. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 65(2), 41–47.
[3] Divine, R. L., Linrud, J. K., Miller, R. H., & Wilson, J. H. (2007). Required internship programs in marketing: Benefits, challenges and determinants of fit. Marketing Education Review, 17(2), 45–52.
[4] Eagan, M. K., Hurtado, S., Chang, M. J., Garcia, G. A., Herrera, F. A., & Garibay, J. C. (2013). Making a Difference in Science Education: The Impact of Undergraduate Research Programs. American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 683–713.
[5] Fechheimer, M., Webber, K., & Kleiber, P. B. (2011). How well do undergraduate research programs promote engagement and success of students?. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 10(2), 156-163.
[6] Gault, J., Redington, J., & Schlager, T. (2000). Undergraduate business internships and career success: Are they related? Journal of Marketing Education, 22(1), 45–53.
[7] Ghee, M., Keels, M., Collins, D., Neal-Spence, C., & Baker, E. (2016). Fine-Tuning Summer Research Programs to Promote Underrepresented Students’ Persistence in the STEM Pathway. CBE Life Sciences Education, 15(3), ar28. http://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.16-01-0046
[8] Knemeyer, A. M., & Murphy, P. R. (2002). Logistics internships: Employer 380 and student perspectives. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 32, 135–152.
[9] Linn, M. C., Palmer, E., Baranger, A., Gerard, E., & Stone, E. (2015). Undergraduate research experiences: Impacts and opportunities. Science, 347(6222), 1261757.
[10] Seymour, E., Hunter, A. B., Laursen, S. L., & DeAntoni, T. (2004). Establishing the benefits of research experiences for undergraduates in the sciences: First findings from a three‐year study. Science education, 88(4), 493-534.