Events for February 17, 2017 - May 18, 2016

Coral Reef Workshop

Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology 46-007 Lilipuna Rd, Kaneohe, HI

This is an excerpt for the event.

13th International Coral Reef Symposium

Hawaiʻi Convention Center 1801 Kalākaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI

The 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) is held every four years and is the main international meeting focused on coral reef science and management. The […]

Celebrate Our Reefs

Ala Moana Hotel, Hibiscus Ballroom 1 410 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu, HI

"Celebrate Our Reefs" is a FREE public event held in conjunction with the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium to highlight how public-private partnerships work to protect […]

Marine Educators’ Night

Waikiki Aquarium 2777 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI

Explore the Waikīkī Aquarium's exhibits at night while discovering new education resources, teaching ideas, and old friends. NOAA's Ocean Explorer website, research and Why Do We […]

Science Snippets and Marine Musings

University of Hawai'i at Manoa 2800 Woodlawn Dr. Ste 200, Honolulu, HI

A special ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter event welcoming new members and featuring updates from three Scholar Alumni: Jourdan Posner, medicine (2015, 2016) reporting on her presentation […]

HIMB Seminar – Visualizing Science

Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology 46-007 Lilipuna Rd, Kaneohe, HI

Wednesday's speaker is Kirsten Carlson, HIMB MakerLab Artist-in-Residence in the Large Pauley Classroom.    

Ka Noelo Kai blessing at HIMB

HIMB has recently acquired a new 49 passenger vessel that will be used to support marine science education for Hawaii students and community.  The celebration on […]